My two completed novels reveal my fascination with history. Sacred Alliance highlights a disturbing incident in the history of an Adirondack Mountain village, and Living Banner highlights Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich Romanov’s story which was buried in the Soviet Archives for over 70 decades.
Sacred Alliance–an inspirational mystery
Living Banner–-a historical time-slip novel connecting Imperial Russia with the present-day.
Interested in learning more about Imperial Russia?
I plan to continue posting information on the individual members of the Romanov family.
Get free, up-to-date information on Imperial Russia!
During my research on Living Banner, I became immersed, like so many others, in the amazing 300-year reign of the Romanov Family. As a result, I would like to share my accumulated knowledge with you through a remarkable listing of books, magazines, and websites I found most useful.

If you share my interest in Russian history and would like to receive an extensive Romanov bibliography, contact me via email. I’ll send the information as a Word document.